For Over 90 Years, Thousands Of Women Have Been Proud To Say, “I Am NARBW.”
The purpose of the National Association of Railway Business Women (NARBW) is to stimulate loyalty and interest and foster cooperation and a better understanding within the railroad industry and its affiliates; create good public relations for the railroad industry; and undertake charitable, benevolent and social welfare projects.
I am a part of something that provides me with a sense of camaraderie.
I am a part of a group of women that share a common bond with me.
I am a part of an association that contributes to the community.
I am a part of an organization that has traditions and values.
Membership in the Association is limited to women who are currently or formerly employed, or are a relative of someone, in a railroad or railroad-connected industry. Membership must be approved by the chapter board of Directors.
1. Local Chapter NARBW Membership.
Chapter membership gives you the opportunity to join an established chapter in your area with the ability to attend monthly meetings and take an active role in the activities on a chapter and national level.
2. NARBW Member-at-Large.
The Member-at-Large status gives you the opportunity to join NARBW even though a chapter has not been established in your area. You receive the CAPSULE, our national newsletter, may attend chapter meetings when you are in an area where a chapter exists; as well as the National Convention.
Dues to join NARBW in the first year are no more than $35. If you choose to be a part of a local NARBW chapter, dues may be slightly lower, depending on the chapter.