Members of NARBW’s Chicago Chapter #2 celebrated its upcoming 90th Anniversary at the Lockwood Restaurant on September 26, 2015 located inside the historic Palmer House Hotel in downtown Chicago Members in attendance were Patricia Dunham, President; Linda Hock, Vice President; Yvonne Avgeris, Secretary; and Elayne Gronskis, Treasurer. Also attending representing the National Board was 2nd VP Sylvia Long. Sylvia presented the Celebratory Resolution to Chapter members and read letters of congratulations from National President Theresa Harper and Roanoke Chapter 19 President Kathy Barbour.
President Dunham had special cookies made for the occasion. The cookie had “90” on it, in honor of the Chapter’s 90th year in NARBW. It is NARBW’s second chapter, inducted on November 13, 1925.