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Ida Carmouche, NARBW National Woman of the Year

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Ida Carmouche, Houston Chapter

Ida Michelle Carmouche, a talented and hard-working member of NARBW, was chosen as our 2012 National Woman of the Year. Ida has been a member of NARBW since 1986. She held almost every office and chairmanship in her chapter and has also served as District Director, District Secretary-Treasury , Dis-trict Nominating Chairman, National 3rd Vice President and cur-rently as National Secretary.

As Chapter membership chair-man, she facilitated many membership drives and never miss-es a chance to recruit new members. Ida is a multi-tasking per-son; she does untold hours of charity work, beginning with her own family. She assisted with Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in Temple, TX, and spearheads the annual holiday toy drive with truck loads of toys being delivered to the Star of Hope Mis-sion. Ida started working for the Houston Belt and Terminal Railway in 1979 and is presently with the BNSF Railway.

She is an outstanding lady in every way and a fine example of some-one who loves family, people, NARBW and her railroad. Ida was chosen as NARBW’s National woman of the Year for her many years of service to her community, to the Railroad Industry and to NARBW.


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