Meet the Members of our new CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER who were installed Friday evening, July 10, 2015, in Sanford, Florida:
Front Row Seated L-R—Melanie McKim (Nat’l. 3rd VP & Membership Chairman), Ingrid McLaughlin, Sandy Booz Allen, Tiffany Tunstall, Jaleesa Singly (Chapter VP), Liz Jimenez (Chapter Secretary.).
Back Row L-R—Nancy Harmon, Lynne Sisto (Affiliate Member), Myrna Santiago, Gail Hendrix, Judy Reed, Libby Kinnard, Daphne Duhart, Sandy Marple, Lois Boatwright, Yvonne Touchtone (Chapter President).
Members Unable to Attend: Velma Stanley (Chapter Treas.) and Sandy Kirby
Installing Officer was Sandy Hall of the Emeritus Council (pictured far right). Officers present and installed were: L-R—Liz Jimenez, Chapter Secretary.; Jaleesa Singly, Chapter VP; and Yvonne Touchtone, Chapter President.
Proudly displaying the Central Florida Chapter Charter is its President Yvonne Touchtone, following presentation by National President Theresa Harper (on left). Melanie McKim, National 3rd VP & Membership Chairman (far right) will continue to assist with Chapter Start-up.